Tristars Membership.

Tristars Membership
The Club is mostly full and we can only add your child to our waiting list once they are 6 years old. However, we do have limited spaces in certain birth years now, so please do email your details as below.
To join the wait list, please email us with your child’s name and date of birth at tvtristarswait@gmail.com. We will add you to a list and contact you as and when a place becomes available. All new starters will have the opportunity to try a couple of sessions before committing to joining
Minimum Requirements:
1. Minimum age – 8 years by 31st December
2. Maximum age – no older than 16 years on 31st December
3. Each member must be able to ride a bike and brake safely using brakes only
4. Must be able to continuously swim the distances above for their age group (See about Triathlon). NB: We coach in swim technique but do not TEACH to swim. We expect Tristars to be currently attending swim lessons/swim club or to have completed a progressive swim program such as ASA stages 1-7 or similar.
Membership Fees
Sessions are payable termly in advance. Payments to be made online at https://webcollect.org.uk/tvtristars. The terms fees are £50 per child.
Mid week swim sessions will incur an additional charge.
Any payment queries should be sent to: tvtristarsfinance@gmail.com